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screwed up security


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Male user grumpy 7 posts

juvenile lockup-we have magnetic locks on the doors-they have been kicked open-when the power goes out all 30 doors pop open-fun stuff when your by yourself working 3rd shift-all the females in the other buildings start screaming over the radio the doors are open the doors are open-the guys say run and hide run and hide-funny but not funny—the shit could hit the fan

Lion Comfortably ... 154 posts

Happens at our facility too. When inmates return from chow, they can place a chip bag, or a toilet paper roll into the locking mechanism. You can check the door and pull on it all day and it seems secure just like any other door, but from the inside a simple pull of the bag or roll, pops the lock. We just have to manually open each door when returning from mass movement of any kind and inspect each lock for tampering. If something is found to be out of the ordinary the inmate is sent to segregation. Nothing further is being done other than us double checking everything to prevent this from happening. If they are jimmying open the door with an ID from scratch though, those locks definitely need to be fixed or changed.

Male user bhkidd 7 posts

Report it immediately. And keep bringing it up until someone does something about it. That is dangerous!

Riot helmet Mick 307 posts

Have you made a formal request in writing to the maintance dept in you facility to have it fixed? Because if something goes wrong you can point to your copy of the request and say that they had been informed and did nothing. And it covers your ass as well. They can’t turn around and say that if you knew about it why didn’t you report it.

Male user OfficerMerc 8 posts

My facility has a problem with alot of the locks on the cell doors in our medium and maximum security pods. Not all but alot of the doors can be popped open with the simple use of an ID, Kinda like using a credit card on a door at home. Higher ups say it’s being taken care of but I left 7 months ago and came back and the problem was not handled. I was wondering if any body else has this problem at their facility and if anybody has any advice on how to deal with the situation.

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